Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I have a one year old...

and how beautiful is she? <3

I made a couple of goals for the year. One is to start blogging again, for no other reason than it makes me happy. Writing is a creative outlet for me and, let's face it, we all need some sort of outlet/"me" time every so often. So, here's to me hoping to find some time this year! :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

his little heart

It's Sunday morning. Since we woke up too late to make the first service at church, and knowing nap time would fall right at the time for the second service, I thought I'd go ahead and just make a good ol' Sunday morning breakfast (but not before repenting for missing church and wondering how long it would take for my mom to call and give me a guilt trip!).

Sean worked the night before and I wasn't sure what time he had come home this morning, but I made him a plate to bring to him in bed. If it was too early for him to wake up, he could just eat and fall back to sleep. Well... it was too early. Carter and I opened the bedroom door, walked in, and Sean just said "No, babe." Didn't even open his eyes. No? Did you say no? I knew he said it, but I guess I just had to make sure. This hot breakfast wouldn't be good later. And you know how it is when you spend time cooking, timing each dish just right so they're all ready and hot at the same time? You want people to eat it- now! But he wasn't eating. Wasn't even opening his eyes.

As we were walking back to the kitchen, Sean's plate still in hand, Carter touched my arm and said, "Did that kind of hurt your feelings, Mommy?" I smiled and told Carter that Sean has probably only been asleep for a couple hours and he's not being mean. His body just needs more rest. Carter put his arm around me and said, "Well, I know, but it hurts my feelings for you. You worked really hard on that breakfast."

Wow. That sweet child. He is more incredible and compassionate and loved than he could ever know. He's still a boy, and a wild one at that sometimes. But it's moments like these that can power me through anything. The long day after a sleepless night, endless amounts of laundry, a busy weekend without the help of my husband- all of these things become trivial.

Thank you God for my children, who you have entrusted me with. And thank you for every day that I get to pour my heart and soul into them. And thank you for those little conversations like today that make it all beyond worthwile.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My new look

No make-up, disheveled hair, sweat pants and puke-stained t-shirts. Pretty hot, huh?

Baby is taking every minute I've got. She's still as precious as ever, but man, that girl's got demands that must be met! She'll be 5 months on Saturday and I can't believe it. She smiles constantly, giggles if she really thinks you're funny (which big brother works very hard at!), chews/sucks on anything and anyone, loves to be held and talked to, does NOT like to nap, and looks like a beautiful little girl version of her daddy.

Carter is loving being a big brother. When I was pregnant with Jo and someone would make a comment about my baby bump, Carter would quickly step in front of my belly and hug it, glaring out of the corner of his eye at the innocent stranger giving the compliment. Now, when someone says something about what a cute baby I have, he still steps in front and proudly announces "She's my baby sister." while holding on to Jolie's foot, hand, whatever's in reach. He's very protective and loves his little sister very much! Carter finished 1st grade a few weeks ago and I'm trying to be creative in keeping him busy over the summer. Crafts, decorating cookies, and some independent activities- my time is limited after all. He'll be attending private school for 2nd grade at the school I taught this past year. After prayerful consideration, Sean and I both agreed it's what Carter needs. He will be challenged on campus M, W, F, and at home on T, Th with Sean and I. It's a University Model school, where parents who desire to be more involved in their child's learning serve as "co-teachers" two days a week. I'm very excited and think this model will be great for Carter. And he's excited- to wear UNIFORMS! Haha, he doesn't get them from me, as that was probably my biggest complaint growing up in private school. Sean's told Carter his goal is to raise him to be bigger, better, stronger than we were... so he's on the right track!

Sean. Oh, dear Sean... The man is BUSY. He's still working his crazy 12-13 hour weekend night shift, AND is now taking classes. It's a lot, but he's got a determination I've never seen in him before and I love it. The biology class he's in right now will be wrapping up shortly and I think he's Aced it. Then on to the next summer mini-mester. I'm so proud of him! And with all of this going on, he still strives to make sure I'm happy. His poor car finally died- a day we all knew was coming. He went out and got a new crossover mommy-car (yes, for ME) and took my car. So now I'm sporting a new ride (if/when I ever change out of my pukey-T and get out of the house, haha) and he's working and saving to one day get his dream truck. Whataguy :)

We're busy, but we're happy <3

father's day

JoJo girl @ 20 weeks

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back from the dead!

But for how long? We'll see ;)

I just re-read some past posts. I read how I was blogging real quick before I tackled "mountains of laundry"... if I only knew what was to come. Someone tell me, what's bigger than a mountain?

Life has changed quite a bit. It's crazy, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. I think I'm one of those people that have to have something going on all the time. And when things start to settle down, then.... what's that honey? You found five stray puppies and want to bring them home? Yeah, bring it on! Yes, true story. I'm currently mother to 7, only 2 of which are actually my children. Just when my baby started sleeping for 6-8 hour stretches, I volunteered to wake up every 2-3 hours again and take 5 puppies out to pee. I am crazy. We've found homes for most of them. Just waiting for those lovely people to come pick them up!

I can't believe it's been two whole months since that enviously easy labor and the arrival of our beautiful baby girl! She laughed for the first time yesterday. It was the most precious sound in my ears. She has the face of a doll, intensely beautiful eyes, and skin so sweet and soft. She's perfect, and is so very loved by each of us. She is so good-natured and fun, and definitely a girl. She may be bald, but she has a soft, girly "coo," lashes to die for, and can bat those eyes and melt her Daddy's heart already.

Friday, October 29, 2010

had to add...

After posting the previous blog I went to check on my husband who was carrying furniture up into the attic....
Yep, he's wearing my Halloween cape. Anything for a good laugh- that's my husband! Gosh, I love that man :)

quick update!

I had a few moments to spare before tackling the MOUNTAINS of laundry in the house! Here are several pictures (out of order b/c it takes to long to think about uploading them chronologically- sorry!). To see a before shot, look at previous posts. Carter's hair was long. Too long. Last night Sean cut it, and I have to say it's one of the best haircuts Carter has ever had! My little BOY is back!! Here are some pictures I took of him this morning before school with his new haircut :)
Yah, he poses like this all on his own, haha..

We carved pumpkins this week at Aunt Anease and Uncle Jimmy's house!

26.5 weeks, and not dressed so hot.. hey, we were carving pumpkins ;)

Book Character Parade Day at school starring Wolverine!

Super Mrs. Stevenson at Legacy Prep! (My whole class dressed
as superheroes and my room mom made me this!)

Picture from our last ultrasound on 9/10- about 19 weeks.

The baby is approximately 2lbs right now and seems to always be active. Seriously, I wonder sometimes if she sleeps. She looks completely different from the last ultrasound picture I'm sure, as she's put on more fat under that thin skin that was pictured above. As she grows and I grow, we're all getting more and more excited. Every little movement makes it more and more of a reality- there's a real baby girl in there! I go back to the dr. next Friday for the tasty glucose screening, then I'll start going back every two weeks! I can't believe we're at that point already- time is flying by. Sean has felt like we have all the time in the world (is he a guy?:), but I finally convinced him that I do not have all the time in the world. I have 13 weekends until there's a baby in my house- and that's if she comes right on time, not a day early. My weekends are already filled with soccer, church, and birthday parties, so I need all the time I can get to prepare for baby! I think our little talk worked. He's cleaning out the nursery right this very minute :)
Have a fun, safe Halloween weekend! I hope all the mommies get all the candy they wish for! :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Grease, anyone?

Carter attended the first grade sock-hop last night, and I may have had more fun getting him dressed than any of the kids had all night at the event! Grease is one of my all-time favorite movies. I could watch it any time and sing along with every song, quote most of the dialogue- and it never gets old. Thanks, Dad, for getting me hooked back in the 6th grade and letting me sport the ribbons in my hair! :) Here is my little Kenickie..

"Go Greased Lightnin'!" (If you know the movie, you know this dance!)

In other news, I receive the worst blogger award. And yes, it's self-awarded. I would love to spend just 30 minutes every few days posting pictures (especially since my husband bought me a fun, fantastic big girl camera!) and keeping everyone updated, but I seriously don't have it. And I'm not one of those people who say they're busy but make time for their favorite show- I don't even watch tv- and I've only sat on our new couch that we've had for 2 wks TWICE, and once I was grading papers, so that shouldn't even count, haha. Anyways, I'm going to try to aim for a once-a-week update.

So here's what I look like. Well, this picture was actually taken 2 weeks ago, but I haven't changed too much. We're 25 weeks along today! Time is flyin' and I'm starting to get a little nervous. I haven't done a thing, really. But that's what I plan on spending Thanksgiving and Christmas break doing :) Here are some other pictures I've taken recently that I like!
me and baby, 23 weeks

Carter's first game last week. He's so good this season, and aggressive!
He scored 3 goals. He scored 2 at this morning's game, too!


My precious little niece with Granna :)

We've been playing a lot of sports lately. Carter has even changed his future career to a NFL player- yikes!

Carter could pass for their kid, huh? My brother is so lucky to look like me! :)